Dr. Luis Jaimes is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at
Florida Polytechnic University. Jaimes’ research interest lies in intelligent mobility
and crowd-sensing, pervasive and mobile computing, and cyber-physical systems for
mobile Health. He is the director of the ubiquitous sensing and smart mobility lab.
Jaimes research is currently supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), and
the Institute of Health Informatics at Florida Polytechnic University.
NSF-CNS Award, 2018–2021 - PI
Florida Poly Excellence in Research Award, Ablaze, 2019
Best Paper Awards IEEE CCWC Mobile and Pervasive Computing Track 2017
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University of South Florida, 2015
M.S. in Computer Science, University of South Florida, 2012
M.S. in Scientific Computing, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, 2004
B.S. in Mathematics, Universidad Industrial de Santander, 1999
Ubiquitous computing
Internet of Things
Health informatics
Machine learning and optimization
Reviewer of journals such as IEEE IoT, IEEE Trans of Mobile Computing, etc.
TCP member for conferences such as EEE GlobeCom 2016, EEE CCNC 2016, etc.
NSF proposals review panel 2018
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