
Collective Bargaining

Collective bargaining between the Florida Polytechnic University Board of Trustees and United Faculty of Florida.

2021-24 Collective Bargaining Agreement

In August 2021, after less than 11 months of negotiations, the Florida Polytechnic University Board of Trustees and the United Faculty of Florida (UFF) Florida Poly chapter ratified the second collective bargaining agreement between the parties which will expire on August 31, 2024. This new agreement replaces the first ever CBA negotiated at Florida Poly, which had been ratified in January 2019 and expired August 31, 2021.

The agreement governs terms and conditions of employment by formalizing rights, responsibilities, and overall management of our faculty. Some of the most important articles define procedures for appointments and promotions, assignments of responsibility, and performance evaluations. You can find the most recent Collective Bargaining Agreement at this link.

While the CBA is in effect, the parties will meet each Spring to discuss potential changes and negotiate amendments to the CBA as necessary. When those negotiations commence, up-to-date information will be posted on the progress of negotiations and current proposals under consideration.

  View the agreement